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Help us to shape the future of Ogbomoso city

The 25-Year Developmental Plan for Ogbomosoland, spearheaded by His Imperial Majesty, Oba Ghandi Afolabi Olaoye (Orumogege III), envisions a future of sustainable growth across multiple sectors. The plan calls on citizens, at home and abroad, to unite in transforming Ogbomoso into a beacon of prosperity through various programs in areas like urban planning, infrastructure, agriculture, education, healthcare, technology, culture, industry, security, and youth empowerment.

In the words of our esteemed king: “Hear ye, people of Ogbomoso! The time has come for our land to rise and claim its destiny as the foremost beacon of Yorubaland! Let us embrace indigenous-led initiatives and ignite the flames of progress that shall illuminate our path to greatness. In 25 years’, time, Ogbomoso shall stand tall as a shining example of achievement and prosperity. Arise, my people, for the dawn of our greatness is upon us!

Your support and active participation in the campaigns listed below are crucial to realising this ambitious vision for a brighter future for our city.

Thank you for taking part. We would greatly appreciate it if you could spread the word by sharing this page (Ògbómọ̀ṣọ́ / Engage) widely – we’re keen to have as many people as possible participate.

1: Ogbomoso city logo design competition

Are you ready to make your mark on history? We are thrilled to announce an exciting opportunity for designers, artists, and creative minds in and from Ogbomosoland. Ogbomoso, a city rich in culture, history, and vibrant energy, is on the hunt for a new logo that captures its essence, and we need your talent to bring it to life!

Click here to read more and enter the competition

2: Digital Ogbomoso – insight survey

To develop a successful strategy to make Ogbomoso a technology and innovation hub, we need to collect a wide range of data. This data will help us assess current state, identify gaps and develop targeted strategies to support planning and implementation of digital initiatives.

Click here to read more and complete the survey